Filmvisningar och samtal på Scenkonst Gerlesborg på fredag

Varmt välkomna till Scenkonst Gerlesborg nu på fredag den 9 september mellan kl 15 och 20.30!

Vi gästas av ”Spiderflower”* från Storbritannien ( i helgen – det blir filmvisning och samtal på fredag och en tvådagars-workshop på lördag och söndag. Se hela helgens program nedan.

Det vi nu bjuder in till är fredagens filmvisning “A Peculiar Shade of Blue – A Filmic Study on the Nature of Grief” vilken är en endagars workshop som innehåller visning av 6 kortfilmer på ca 15 min var samt samtal och diskussioner.

Tid: 9 september kl 15.00 – 20.30
Plats: Scenstudion Gerlesborg, Övre Hogslättsvägen 16, Gerlesborg
Parkering: begränsat med p-platser – cykla eller samåk gärna.
Inträde: 200 kr – antingen kontant eller med swish.
Anmäl dig till senast den 8/9

*Spiderflower – Originated by Rowan Jacqueline and in development since 1999, Spiderflower is a dance movement theatre practice concerned with bridging the intelligent relationship between body and earth. In response to the climactic times in which we live, this entire body of work is devoted to progressive inquiry into the phenomenal relationship between the natural world, and us, as a human race through the expressive arts.
Spiderflower is a research based practice. Rowan Jacqueline holds primary focus upon the development and delivery of earth-engaged performance via film and theatre through SOLO WORKS.

As outreach, COURSES provide an immersive forum for actors, creatives and organisations. Offered in the UK and overseas, sessions are available both in person and on-line.

Rooted in the ancient, yet dedicated to evolving new artistic forms meaningful for today, Spiderflower’s purpose is to artistically engage with the inherent language that rests between body and earth, to go on to create original works and so endeavour to crack open the pulchritudinous nature of life itself through performance, whilst on a broader level support a passionate and diverse community of change-makers develop and gift their work to the world.

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